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To donate to our affordable housing campaign effort, click here.

Churches join ‘YIGBY’ movement
By Chace Beech, Spectrum News 1 SoCal
PUBLISHED 11:20 AM PT Jun. 11, 2024
INGLEWOOD, Calif. — As California continues to grapple with an ongoing housing and homelessness crisis, houses of worship across all denominations are pitching in.
YIGBY, or “Yes In God’s Backyard,” is a growing movement, where faith-based organizations are repurposing their property as affordable housing.

Click for full article from the New York Times (April 27, 2024). Subscription needed!
Hands & Feet Radio Podcast
Hands And Feet Radio is a United Methodist focused podcast about the practical missions and ministries of local United Methodist churches across the connection. Each week, clergy and laity from around the world will join host Rev. John F. Michael to discuss the theological and practical aspects of the socio-economic struggles of their communities and how their local churches are responding to those needs.

Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork
In February 2024, representatives from Inglewood City Housing, Century Housing and the BMB Development Team had a site visit at the church! Pastor Victor and Manu Tu’uholoaki-Murrin represented the church as we shared vision and opportunities for partnership. More news to come!

#HomeisSacred // Advocating for Affordable Housing Policy with PICO California & LA Voice!
April 20, 2023 / California State Capitol – Sacramento, CA

Inglewood First featured on
April 12, 2023 /

In Mark 12:30-31, in response to a question about what the “greatest commandments” are, Jesus says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus is clear that his disciples are to love God, love themselves, and love their neighbors. There are many ways to live into that call. The First United Methodist Church of Inglewood, California, is growing in its discipleship journey through a campaign to build sixty units of affordable housing and a community hub on its site.
Congregation & Community Town Hall

Thank you to all for your support and participation in our Affordable Housing Town Hall meeting on Sunday, September 4, 2022! Special thanks to Assemblymember Tina McKinnor, 62nd District, for your presence and support!
In partnership with Berg Holdings, Inc., we are on our way to receiving our site plan approval from the City of Inglewood by November 2022 and start construction on 60 studio units of affordable housing in December 2023!
Will California Churches Build Affordable Housing? (link)
“Theologically, this is about a congregation becoming incarnational,” he told Sojourners. “Not just God for us, but God with us. This is not something we’re doing for the community as something paternalistic, but with the community.”
Rev. Victor Cyrus-Franklin, lead Pastor, Inglewood first umc, “Will California churches build affordable housing ‘in God’s Backyard?” (July 7, 2022)
What’s Going On: Good Friday 2022
Click for What’s Going On: The 7 Last Words of Jesus on YouTube
Special Offering: Help Us Build Affordable Housing & Community Space!

This offering helps the church pay costs to design a community building to complement our 60 unit affordable housing development. We’re creating space to host programs ranging from music lessons to food distribution to mental health services. This stage of the process costs $24,000. We’re working to break ground in Spring 2023!
Much appreciation to our Partners & Sponsors:
West District Living Into the Future Foundation + Holman Community Development Corporation + Saint Mark United Methodist Church of Los Angeles + LA Voice + Mitchelville Real Estate Group + Berg Holdings

To our members, friends, community partners, supporters, we are reaching out to seek your support for an Affordable Housing Project planned for the grounds of the First United Methodist Church of Inglewood.
We envision this project to not only be a blessing to the would be residents, but to the community at large as a home of hope and healing in the heart of Inglewood.We envision this project to:
- Repurpose existing buildings for affordable housing to meet a critical need in our community and further our witness in housing justice for Inglewood residents.
- Create space to work with community partners to provide on-site services including:
- Workforce Development for workers in local area businesses
- Weekly Food Distribution (supporting 150+ families)
- Youth Mentoring
- Music Education for Pre-School Children
- Support Services for seniors & low-income families.