#ComeSunday #SermonNotes: In the days leading up to Sunday worship, we share a brief sermon summary and questions for devotion and reflection. Follow us on our website and on facebook to stay up to date!
Jeremiah 17:5-8 (Common English Bible)
5 The Lord proclaims:
Cursed are those who trust in mere humans, who depend on human strength and turn their hearts from the Lord.
6 They will be like a desert shrub that doesn’t know when relief comes. They will live in the parched places of the wilderness, in a barren land where no one survives.
7 Happy are those who trust in the Lord, who rely on the Lord.
8 They will be like trees planted by the streams, whose roots reach down to the water. They won’t fear drought when it comes; their leaves will remain green. They won’t be stressed in the time of drought or fail to bear fruit.
Throughout February and Black History Month, our theme, Power to the People, will explore how the power of God’s love moves us from bondage to freedom.
Jeremiah reminds us that our greatest power comes in our reliance on God and when we encounter hard times, we have power in our roots. In life, we are guaranteed to experience seasons of drought. Yet, if we are deeply rooted, we can sustain hard times and still bear fruit.
Reflection Questions:
- What are your roots? Where are your people from?
- How have “your people” dealt with stress? How do you deal with stress?
- What strength has given given your people in hard times? What