Teach Us, Lord (Psalm 16:7-11) // Sunday, June 26, 2022

Teach Us, Lord (Psalm 16:7-11) // Sunday, June 26, 2022

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Inglewood First UMC reflects on the sermon and scripture from the previous Sunday’s worship . Below, you fill find questions that can be used for Bible Study, small groups or personal devotion. Let the scripture speak in to your life! Expect great things!

Opening Prayer

We gather here today to grow, learn and change as a group. As we begin our Bible study, we ask that you help all of us to gain a better understanding of your truth. We lay down our hearts, minds and lives before you. We ask that you move among us and help us to feel safe with one another: to think, ask for help and to question. Helps us to share our life with you and grow in our knowledge of your Word. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.

Scripture: Psalm 16:7-11 (Common English Bible)

I will bless the Lord who advises me;
    even at night I am instructed
    in the depths of my mind.
I always put the Lord in front of me;
    I will not stumble because he is on my right side.
That’s why my heart celebrates and my mood is joyous;
    yes, my whole body will rest in safety
10     because you won’t abandon my life[c] to the grave;[d]
    you won’t let your faithful follower see the pit.

11 You teach me the way of life.
    In your presence is total celebration.
Beautiful things are always in your right hand.


Pentecost is the celebration of the birth of the church, when believers of different cultures and languages were filled with the Holy Spirit and became one in the Lord.  The church’s faith was born through the fire of the Holy Spirit.  Every believer wants to grow in faith.  Pentecost shows us that faith grows through fire!

Life is filled with choices. We often have difficulty choosing between the options we have. We all need advice in life as we discern what choices to make. In this passage of scripture, the Psalmist seeks advice from God. Day and night, they seek God’s wisdom, guidance and lessons for life. Teach us the way of life, Oh Lord, so we may choose the way of life!

Reflection Questions:

  1. What is a word, phrase or image that comes to mind when you read or hear the text?
  2. The Psalmist says God gives instruction through the day (“I put the Lord in front of me”) and through the night (“I am instructed in the depths of my mind”). At what time of day are you able to hear God most clearly? What have you learned to practice in order to receive direction from God? (Do you pray at a certain time every day? Is there a guide or resource that you use for prayer? Is there a food you eat or drink?). What spiritual practice isn’t as helpful as it used to be? What spiritual practice are you curious about and want to try?
  3. What does this scripture teach you about lessons?
  4. What does God invite you to do, change or be through this passage?

Discipleship Huddle Questions:

  • How is it with your soul?
  • How does your soul prosper?

Closing Prayer

 We give you thanks, Oh God, that your love is more than we could attempt to comprehend. We trust that you are a God of wisdom, truth, and love that has been displayed in the person of Christ and that enlivens us today. Fill us with the fire of your Holy Spirit. Stir up the gift within us. That we may grow in faith in you. Amen.