Do No Harm (Ephesians 4:25-28) // August 12, 2018

Do No Harm (Ephesians 4:25-28) // August 12, 2018

#ComeSunday #SermonNotes: In the days leading up to Sunday worship, we share a brief sermon summary and questions for devotion and reflection. Follow us on our website and on facebook to stay up to date!

Ephesians 4:25-28 (Common English Bible)

25 Therefore, after you have gotten rid of lying, Each of you must tell the truth to your neighbor because we are parts of each other in the same body. 26 Be angry without sinning. Don’t let the sun set on your anger. 27 Don’t provide an opportunity for the devil. 28 Thieves should no longer steal. Instead, they should go to work, using their hands to do good so that they will have something to share with whoever is in need.


As a guide for Christian living, John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, developed three simple rules to follow Jesus: 1) Do No Harm, 2) Do All the Good You Can and 3) Stay in Love with God.

In order to follow Jesus’ blueprint, we must commit to do no harm to ourselves or others. By the grace of God, we can stop going backwards in the way of harm and go forward in hope with Jesus. With God, all things are possible.

Reflection Questions:

  1. “Doing no harm” sounds simple, but is it easy?
  2. In the past week, what ways have you experienced harm done to yourself or others?
  3. What difference is made when we follow Jesus in doing no harm?